Maria Menounos Details 40-pound Weight Loss: Her Workout And Diet Tips

Maria Menounos

For dinner we ate a variety of dishes made with lentils, vegetables, and beans from the garden. Our dessert? Fruit.” As a result, Menounos went overboard with binge-eating when she pure garcinia cambogia went to college, and promptly gained 40 pounds indulging in huge portions of candy, chips and pizza. “I didn’t gain the Freshman 15 I gained the Freshman 40.
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Maria Menounos Talks 40-Pound Weight Loss: “I Used to…Eat 7 Slices of Pizza in One Sitting”

Maria Menounos, Ladies Home Journal

“Within a year I lost 40 pounds.” The newly skinny Maria then moved to California where her television career quickly took off and while she maintained her thin frame, her eating habits “took a nosedive” as she felt she only had time for fast food. “There were consequences to eating so much junk,” she says. “I was in and out of the hospital multiple times for exhaustion, malnutrition and dehydration. I realized my whole quest to have an amazing body needed to be seriously reevaluated,” she admitted, adding, “Just because you’re thinner doesn’t mean you’re healthier. I made it my mission to figure out the very best ways to control my weight and be healthy at the same time.” Ladies Home Journal So what are her tips for shedding those pesky pounds in time for summer?
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